Public Safety

Public safety is of the upmost importance in our community. Recently, the Marlow Fire and Ambulance Departments have merged and continue to work on this transitional phase.The priority of the department is the safety of volunteers. Funds are being used to update protective gear, supplies, etc.
The Police Department is going through a transition as well. Kevin Fay will join Chief Avery after he has completed police academy.
We are also looking into establishing a public safety building on the town-owned land by the Transfer Station. Douglas Stewart (SISR Architecture, LLC), a Marlow resident, has produced some conceptual designs of what this safety complex may look like at no cost to the town. The next step is to study these designs, make a decision on which one would best suit the town, and look into what grant funding is available to move forward.
If you have any questions or concerns about public safety in our town, please contact the Board of Selectmen.